What are the Compassion Relays?

A Compassion Relay passes the Compassion Torch and spotlights outstanding individuals, groups, organizations, alliances and communities around the world whose work is contributing to a more peaceful, just, and compassionate planet.

Anyone can start a self-organized Compassion Relay and pass the Compassion Torch to another Champion of Compassion.

Compassion Games International organizes Sponsored Compassion Relays during the April and September Games. The players on the Relay Team are Champions of Compassion.

What are the Compassion Relays?

Anyone can start a Compassion Relay.
Firestarters create a Compassion Torch and start the Compassion Relay.
They pass the Compassion Torch to Champions of Compassion
The Champions become a Relay Team
Each person who receives the Compassion Torch posts about their experience of compassion on the Compassion Map.
Each time the Compassion Torch is passed it extends the Relay Route

Here’s how Sponsored Compassion Relays organized by Compassion Games International (CGI) work:

CGI organizes a Compassion Relay and features Champions of Compassion before and during the April and September Games
During the period a Champion has the Torch CGI publishes and highlights their story in a Champion Spotlight that we feature via social media (in news articles, posts, interviews, etc. ) to raise awareness around the issues important to the Champion.
The Compassion Torch is passed in a “relay” between Champions of Compassion, each benefitting from the goodwill of highlighting the work of others while being honored in return.

Below is an example of what a Relay Route can look like, as it did in the case of the seven day long 2016 World Interfaith Harmony Games


Watch a more in-depth overview of the Compassion Relays in action by seeing how they unfolded in the 2016 Giving Games. Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. kicked off the Relay by passing the Compassion Torch to a number of luminaries, including the Green Sheik of the #Decarbonize BlueYouth project, Michael Beckwith and Stevie Wonder of the Agape International Spiritual Center, and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.


During the 2016-17 Giving Games, the Compassion Torch was passed from one “Champion of Compassion” to the next, forming a Compassion Relay. View the Giving Games Relay here!


For the 7 Days of World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017, the Compassion Torch was passed from one “Champion of Compassion” to the next, forming a Compassion Relay. View the Harmony Week Relay here!