Play in the September Games!
The 2020 September Compassion Games September 11th – September 21st, is an 11-day challenge to unify communities around the world is an expression of globally synchronized intentions with locally organized compassionate action.
Starting on September 11, 2020, and culminating on World Peace Weekend (September 19-21), players and teams will challenge and inspire each other to organize actions that build bridges between peace, prosperity, and the planet. Players can create or join their own service projects and/or participant in any of the featured ways to play. As players and teams participate, results are shared on the Compassion Report Map to highlight, measure, and celebrate the collective impact our actions have around the world!
The Global Unity Games are part of the World Peace & Global Unity Campaign organized by Unify, Compassion Games and SINE (Synergized Impact Network Exchange) Alliance. The September Compassion Games honors the 16 years of Global Unity convergence activities, events, broadcasts, festivals, actions, and campaigns taking place every September as a result of We, The World bringing all the partners and visionaries together to launch 11 Days Of Global Unity starting in 2004 and continuing through today. It takes a village of many organizations and humans coming together to create social change and consistent inspiration alive over all these years. Nimo Patel along with Empty Hands Music holds the Call To Play for teams and individuals around to take action in peace waves on the streets worldwide. In September 2020 9/11 through 9/21, We Shall Overcome and Let Love Lead The Way!
We are at a turning point in the development of our global community. It’s an unprecedented time when many of us are reflecting on how we can make the most positive impact. We are ready for more authentic connections, to promote peace and understanding, to spread prosperity and freedom, and protect and restore our planet. Let’s use this campaign to come together to build the relationships that address our complex and interwoven challenges such as ending terrorism, reversing climate change, preventing pandemics, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations.

Why Play in the September Games?

1. Receive daily Compassion Missions for each day of the coopetition to inspire simple, thoughtful, and meaningful actions in your life and community.

2. Elevate your experience during the coopetition by participating with fellow players and change-makers; be inspired by the actions of others and benefit from the element of playful competition to ignite more excitement around your service.

3. Share your experiences on a brand new Compassion Report Map that displays coopetition results in real time with teams and players around the world.

4. Receive invitations to exciting online events that feature renown luminaries and “Champions of Compassion” who offer wisdom and new ways to engage in compassionate action.

5. Gain access to personalized coaching with Head Coach Sommer Joy Ramer, along with many resources to ensure your experience is positive, supported, and meaningful! (Email her directly at sommer@compassiongames.org)

6. And much, much more…!
How to Play in the September Games
There are many ways that individuals and teams can play, from organizing creative service projects to give back to one’s community to performing acts of kindness to promote unity of the human family. All players will receive an Agent of Compassion mission to use each day of the Global Unity Games, offering meaningful, tangible ideas and inspiration for activities as a way to play. Players then report on their activities on the Compassion Report Map. The reports of Registered Teams are reflected on the Global Unity Games Scoreboard, displaying the number of volunteers, number of hours served, number of people served, and the monies raised for local or global causes.
To play the Compassion Games, you only need to follow 4 steps!

Sign up to play as an individual or as a team! Invite and challenge others to generate excitement and catalyze more compassion!

Organize service projects and inspire acts of kindness to give back to your community! Fulfill “Missions of Compassion” during the annual games, and get ideas from the gallery of Ways to Play to get started!

After your compassionate actions, report on your activities and outcomes on the Compassion Report Map, capturing the number of volunteers, hours served, monies raised, and people served!

Share your Compassion Report to elevate compassion in the world and inspire others to play!
Featured Ways to Play

The World Peace Weekend is the culmination of the World Peace Campaign and builds on the International Day of Peace by organizing and supporting a weekend celebration of peace and music events and activities to take place around the world. From Saturday, September 20 through Sunday, September 21, communities and teams will organize Musical Events, Peace Vigils, Peace Marches, Flashmobs, Service Projects, and Community Service Activities. Join the Global September Synchronized Events HERE.
“We the Global People” are collaborating on a Grand Strategy to reinvent the planet, contribute to achieving the Global Goals, and create Peace on Earth by 2030. Become an ongoing monthly member patron of Compassion Games. SINE creates synergy. SINE is a global collaborative community that fuels collective empowerment and unprecedented unified action. Our syndicated meta-network and dynamic change engine amplify the impact of our alliance member’s initiatives.SINE members co-create “synergized impacts” and trade “shares” raising each member’s social capital. SINE Members play a Compassion Game “Let’s Make Waves!” and co-manage “Team Buying” of network services that empower all members. We are passionate about synergy.
See what is the SINE BHAG, Big Hairy Audacious Goal in the featured video below.
When you become a patron you become a SINE Member. Take action here!
Teams from cities all around the world are challenging each other to see “who’s got the edge on kindness.” (Watch Mayor Greg Fischer putting out the call to play in the Games.) This initiative is in partnership with the Charter for Compassion and their 400 Compassionate Cities and 1,700 Sector Partners. Does your City have the kindness edge? Show us what you’ve got! Learn more here. Contact Jon@CompassionGames.org if you are interested in having your city become a Compassionate City.
Lead with the United Nations in this years TOGETHER campaign, there will be people and communities around the world participating. See what you can do on the UN International Day of Peace Site here. See events in your local community and add your own on the Global Calendar with We The World & Compassion Games and also UNIFY’s World Peace Event Map too.

By signing up as a Player or Team, you will receive a unique Mission of Compassion each day of the Global Unity Games. Each mission offers simple, thoughtful, and fun ways to bring compassion to life for oneself, others, and our Earth! View passed missions here.
We are so honored to be partnering with Andy Smallman, Founder of Kind Living this year. Andy is the Chief of the International Kindness Team. He is the founding director of Puget Sound Community School, an independent school in Seattle for students in grades 6-12. With his wife, Melinda Shaw, and a dedicated group of parents, he started the school in 1994 to help students build on their strengths and nurture their intrinsic motivation.
In 2012, Andy was asked if he could adapt one of his kindness classes for Septemeber Compassion Games, and he is back in 2018 and again in 2019. In response, Andy developed “The Secret Agent of Compassion.” When you sign up to play, you get free access to 13 daily missions written by Andy Smallman and designed art from Fish Astronaut.

Hosted by We The World, The 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21, bridges these gaps by connecting and promoting for us all to take action in 11 identified “themes” — such as Environment, Health, Human Rights and Peace — to create a comprehensive blueprint for global transformation.11 Days of Global Unity September 11th to September 21st annually highlights 11 year-round Campaigns For Change which call forth the values, spirit and service needed to move us towards a culture of peace and a world that works for all. Check out We the World’s Facebook Page for daily live streams about each theme and how to take action. You can see resources, actions, and events that are part of the vision for 11 Days of Global Unity here. What is your theme of action this Septemeber? Share this image above to spread the Global Unity Action on your favorite Social Media Pages and what you plan on doing. Game On!

September 21st, 22nd and 23rd Global Event will feature events from UNIFY, Compassion Games International, and United Nations International Day of Peace. The intention of this global event is to share radical acts of compassion and solutions from leading social innovators riding the wave to Peace On Earth by 2030 that will be focusing on achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. More details will be coming soon!
The Compassion Report Map
During the Annual Compassion Games, players and teams report their compassionate actions on the Compassion Report Map, elevating their impact and inspiring others with their kindness and commitment to making the world a safer, kinder, and better place to live.

Compassion Relay
Compassion Relays illuminate outstanding organizations and individuals around the world whose work is contributing to a more peaceful, just, and compassionate planet. These entities are known as Champions of Compassion. Here’s how it works:


Hashtags: #BuildingBridges, #CompassionUnites
Unity Games Partners
Compassion Games is working with the following partners to bring the Global Unity Compassion Games to life!
If you are interested in being a Partner to support or sponsor this coopetition or the Compassion Games, please contact Jon Ramer at Jon@CompassionGames.Org