We are thrilled to pass the Global Compassion Torch to Amy Walker today! Thank you, Amy, for standing for courageous compassion for others and the Earth in all you do. Compassion Games wants to recognize Ms. Walker and her artistic projects expressed from her brave heart, standing up for Mother Earth with infinite love, and teaching us what compassion really means. Our intent is to celebrate her authentic service to caring for the Earth and the powerfully embodied message she shares. See Champion of Compassion, Amy Walker receive the Compassion Torch and also leading us all in a Water Blessing Ceremony in this video! Please share!
Amy’s multi-disciplinary spirituality is integral to her art and life, connecting her with the earth and all beings as Relatives. Her practices include knowledge from being trained and adopted into Native Nakota medicine ways with the Yankton Sioux in South Dakota; initiated into Kriya Yoga through the line of Gurus at Self-Realization Fellowship; being a third-year Moon Dancer in Teotihuacàn, Mexico; as well as countless workshops, books, and teachings. Watch this video below, a beautiful example of her love and power, inviting us to unify together into the compassionate way.
“This came to me in the Nakota language for you and all beings. I share it now with the intention of sending healing love around the world, joining billions of people in prayer on this 12/21/12 solstice. Feel free to share, sing adapt, arrange… Love!” -Amy Walker
Love is Sacred Medicine -a prayer song for mi daku owase, mitakuye oyasin, all my relations.
Wiwowashte de pejuta wakhan
Wiwowashte Ina Makha sitomniya
Mi daku owase, unshi ma nayo
Wiwowashte, chante owase ota
Love is sacred medicine
Love around Mother Earth
All my relations, it’s the way it is, the way it should be, the way I want it to be,
Love, a nation of many nations of hearts
Amy Walker is an actress, singer, inspirational speaker, and multi-disciplinary artist, as a way of expressing #CourageousCompassion. Her passion is performing in productions that entertain and inspire positive change. She has been featured on TEDx, the TODAY Show, NPR, Inside Edition, and her online videos have garnered over 40 million views on YouTube and beyond, from the viral “21 Accents”, to memorable characters, songs, and inspirational insights. In 2015, she toured internationally with her one-woman show, Amy Walker: Inside Out ~ Celebrating the Unity in our Diversity.
Join Compassion Games International leadership Team pass the Global Compassion Torch to Amy Walker LIVE today Sunday at 9:00 AM – 9:00 AM PST. She will also lead us in a Sacred Water Blessing Ceremony Song. Learn more and join us at this link.
As a way to appreciate Amy Walker, you can join her participating in Earth Week and report as a member of “The Vibers”, by sharing your compassion for Earth in action on the Global Compassion Report Map through May 7th. For example, you can reflect on Amy’s Water Water Blessing Ceremony today and share with others. Game on Vibers!
You can sign up for Water is Life! Protect The Sacred Earth Week today!
Let us light up the world with compassion for the Earth today and celebrate Amy Walker by sharing this article and joining us today as we honor her as a Champion of Compassion.
Earth Day Wisdom for all players & teams playing Earth Week below!
See the many ways below to stay connected to this Champion of Compassion, Amy Walker:
See Amy’s courageous compassion sketches on her inspiring YouTube Channel.
Watch Amy Walker’s Ted Talk about Expanding Your Identity to Embody Your Potential.