Happy Giving Games! This Scoreboard lists Registered Teams in the order they registered to play. Since the nature of coopetition is to inspire one another and strive together, Teams are not listed by points or ranking. Everyone wins by playing in the Giving Games!
This Scoreboard will be updated once all reports are in at the end of the Giving Games Coopetition after December 11th. Use this list as an up-to-date reference for all registered teams from around the world. If you do not see your team on here and you believe you registered, or if it is not listed properly, contact Sommer@CompassionGames.org!
An album of reports and photos from players and teams participating in the 2015 Giving Games: Youth and Schools Play it Forward.
Posted by Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest on Tuesday, December 1, 2015