Although Global Unity Games missions are sent out during the annual coopetition (9/9-9/24), the missions can be played “live” at any time by signing up below. When you sign up, you will receive one mission per day for twelve days via email.
This set of missions is titled “Finding Our Place in the Space Between Two Stories.” In them, we explore the emergence of a New Story of the World as the Old Story – no longer taking us where we want to go – begins to fall apart. What’s left behind is a space where a New Story can take root, and grow. What is our unique role in creating the New Story? What does the New Story look like? Let’s find out!
Select “Begin Missions!” to get started!
Alternatively, feel free to select from any of the twelve missions immediately below. You can return to this list at any time if you are forming a lesson plan, or want to gain familiarity with the content before bringing them to your community.