
How are the communities doing in relationship to each other?

The Compassion Games measures the number of volunteers, the hours of service, the dollars raised for nonprofits, and the number of people served. You can use the leaderboard to discover how any community is doing as well as how they relate to the other communities.

Places/Cities/MunicipalitiesAbu Dhabi
Aloha Spirit451.0030
Atlanta GA37342646.00730270.00
Austin Compassion Relay48249979.003,475
Compassionate Connecticut Games11
Compassion Edmonton11103
Compassionate St. Augustine130150.00250
Compassionate Winnipeg305093,160.7565,393 (#3)198,001.70 (#2)
Connecting Through Compassion6157587.00158140.00
DiPaz Da+31421.0082
Eskilstuna (Sweden)777
Fayetteville AR183 (#1)6483,087.802,96610,809.00
Greater Toledo & NW Ohio585,340 (#3)23,167.57 (#2)63,043 48,680.00
Hip Donelson Hipsters460177.001402,800.00
Huntington Beach, CA772,4334,630.751,429544.00
Kamloops, British Columbia371,0803,618101,021 (#2)16,660.00
Louisville KY120 (#2)6,506 (#2)482.502,5928,993.00
Nashville TN108 (#3)3,97111,629.00 (#3)19,322228,876.21 (#1)
Santa Monica CA7185336.0015,2501,000.00
Seattle WA5114,738 (#1)103,766.35 (#1)206,181 (#1)54.25
Shoreline 2 Shoreline, WA Compassion Games: Survival of the Friendliest Kind!14147.00282.25
Silicon Valley CA29714531.752,5862,890.00
Spokane Cares14163285.002,708203.00
The Rosenwald Center Team
Unlimited Kindness in the UK13172930.50270130,005.00 (#3)
West Boca111
Bassma Group AL Helal Club
Compassionate Milwaukee
Good In West Englewood
Hearts of Hiddenbrooke
Keep Fayetteville Beautiful
Newfoundland NL (Canada)
Ronen Rotem Team
St. Paul’s
Team Enloe
Education/SchoolsBe 212 Ms. Bowman’s Fourth Grade Class499541,024 (#1)
Casady Peace Week2202
Compassion Ninjas1212
Falcons32 (#2)644.2551
Golden West College Agents of Peace111
Hyla Middle School2200 (#2)118.00 (#2)13128.00 (#1)
Ms. Takigawa’s Class9 (#3)76118.00 (#2)304 (#3)
NTPS: A Compassionate Community36552 (#2)
Rainbow Community School222
SAIC – (Students Association for Interfaith Cooperation)61,528 (#1)4,234.00 (#1)205
Siena is Compassionate666
Team Epic233
Teasel Class1502
The PJC Blend Club101 (#1)113 (#3)67.5520819.00 (#2)
ArtSpace Artisans
David L. Long Regional Learning Center
Eco Angels
Grindstaff Community
Indio Regional Learning Center
Louisville Collegiate School
Minaret Academy’s Compassion Warriors
Moreno Valley Regional Learning Center
MVCDS Middle School
Palm Springs Community School
Pillars Leaders
Reid Raptors
Room 207
Salnave Soars
The Great Gibbels
The Milo Magnificents
The Olympian Good Shepards
The Peace Train
Val Verde Regional Learning Center
Wheels Of Life
Arts/Culture6 Degrees of Creativity – Creative Deed Team99 (#1)288 (#1)59.00 (#1)2,012 (#1)
CIAA-Compassion in Art Action1 (#3)115.00 (#2)
Compassion & Insight Center85 (#2)46 (#2)33.00 (#2)105 (#3)170.00 (#1)
Frame Drummers Sound for Compassion1 (#3)2 (#3)3.00 (#3)170 (#2)
PassionPlums1 (#3)2 (#3)1
Food and Water Wars
I Am An Instrument of Peace & Compassion
Kindness Kops
Live Work Play [HAPPY] In Del Rey
Mindful Garden Collective
Peace Week Team
Faith/InterfaithBI/NK Interfaith32 (#3)98113.5 (#3)2021,215.00 (#2)
Compassion Intenders444
FITE1200 (#3)500 (#3)
Islamic Center of Nashville21130.00335
Kamloops Lutherans!51 (#2)1052 (#1)3,014.25 (#1)97,073.00 (#1)16,330.00 (#1)
Mindfulness Community MEETUP111.0018
Room In The Inn – Nashville1351122.50 (#2)1,718 (#2)
Sons and Daughters of Abraham122322500.00 (#3)
Stockholm United Methodist Church and Franklin Cares63 (#1)295 (#2)108.5073
United in Love183.00100250.00
Unity of Louisville135105225
Imam Jebril Mohsin & Imam AhmedulHadi
Amador County Team
ING Speakers
Interfaith Paths to Peace
Jain Center of Northern California
Metro Detroit Interfaith
OC Closing Ceremonies
Passionist Partners Chicago
Sylvania Baha’is
Team Awesome
The Well
Unity 2020
Women/GirlsCompassionate Mob-WS36 (#1)3136 (#1)13,283.95 (#1)8,260 (#1)3.75 (#1)
Earth Mothers
Saint Meinrad Archabbey Wellness “Live, Life Well”
FamilyGood Vibrations! 🙂4 (#3)2 (#3)10.50 (#3)300 (#1)
Kindermusik in West Michigan41 (#1)189 (#1)58.5 (#2)288 (#2)160.01 (#1)
Nashville Conflict Resolution Center5 (#2)36 (#2)159.00 (#1)98 (#3)
Angelo’s Friends
BusinessGood Karma1 (#3)210.5 (#3)350 (#2)
Goodwill Linguists1 (#3)8 (#2)1
LUSH Southcenter2 (#2)4 (#3)15.5 (#2)9,640 (#1)8,993.00 (#1)
Principle Business Enterprises Employees Give Back3 (#1)32 (#1)186.00 (#1)27 (#3)1,000.00 (#2)
The Fizzbangers
LUSH Tacoma
LUSH Park Meadows
Mindfulness at Expedia
New Life
Phoenix & Dragon Bookstore
ProMedica Spiritual Care
Turlock Dental Care
Talbot Trail Toastmasters Team
Dalai Lama FellowsDalai Lama Fellows – San Francisco1 (#2)1 (#2)1 (#2)
Dalai Lama Fellows – NY8 (#1)8 (#1)27 (#1)
Dalai Lama Fellows – Oberlin
YouthTeam Oasis1 (#1)12 (#1)70.00 (#1)300 (#1)
Government/PoliticsZOE4CITYCOUNCIL4 (#1)11,185 (#1)40.00 (#1)90,587 (#1)
Health CareBlake Psychology Wellness Warriors
Friends of The Grove
Goodwill Fayetteville
Maitri Compassionate Care
Team Aspiring Hands, Inc.