Stories for Dimensions


Global Champions of Compassion Kickoff a “Compassion Relay”

Global Champions of Compassion Kickoff a “Compassion Relay”

Honors Youth, Indigenous, Interfaith Leadership on Climate Action FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Opening Ceremony COP22 Climate Change Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco November 7, 2016 - A "Global Compassion Relay" with “Champions of Compassion” was lit and now a virtual “Compassion Torch” will be passed highlighting the many ways that unprecedented, unified compassionate action unites and gives life to our communities and planet. The Global Compassion Relay and the Global Compassion Torch will bring...

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Celebrate the Unbelievable Final Results of the 2016 Global Unity Games

Celebrate the Unbelievable Final Results of the 2016 Global Unity Games

Dear Agents of Compassion, It's easy to believe that we are living in a time of a "great divide". It is also true that we live in a time of “global connections”. There are over one billion people active on Facebook alone. Can we use this unprecedented connectivity to heal the divides between us and build bridges to Global Unity? We set out to play the Global Unity Compassion Games to explore and discover what's needed to create Global Unity and here's what we found out. The Global Unity Games...

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Being Human Ain’t Easy: Unexpected Lessons from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa

Being Human Ain’t Easy: Unexpected Lessons from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa

We surely can’t complain about the mystery and thrill of being alive. Yet, regardless of one’s walk of life, it just isn’t easy being human. Like the tilted spinning of the Earth traveling through the Milky Way, having balance in one moment does not necessarily mean we will have it in the next. Life is messy. We are each challenged by the struggles of maintaining harmony in our relationships, by the incessant demand of finances and making a living, and of nurturing the physical and mental...

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The Power of Love and Compassion to Stop the Violence and Start the Healing

The Power of Love and Compassion to Stop the Violence and Start the Healing

Baltimore’s riots this week have highlighted the growing unrest and injustices across America. Many are being forced to rethink assumptions we've made about race, power, civility, and compassion.  We seem to have forgotten concepts like fairness and justice as a nation. Without this moral compass to guide us, what’s left? As video after video surfaces of young black males being brutally treated by police, it makes us wonder if racial discrimination and police brutality can now be tolerated in...

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Love of Salish Sea Ignites Groundswell Opposition to Shell’s Arctic Drills in Seattle During Earth Week

Love of Salish Sea Ignites Groundswell Opposition to Shell’s Arctic Drills in Seattle During Earth Week

A message from Earth Day of a possible future: "It is on this day, this remarkable day, we give thanks to our ancestors. In the darkest time of our species’ history they faced a profound challenge. They faced themselves. It is the very fact that we are here, alive today in abundance and safety, surrounded by our kin in this unfolding story of life, that we know they were mindful of our coming. We give our deepest thanks that they saw past the persuasions of an old and broken worldview, that...

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Mayors as Leaders in the Compassion Movement

Mayors as Leaders in the Compassion Movement

As citizens, we understand the power of public policy and the choices that a Mayor can make. We know that budgets are moral documents that reflect the values of our community and are then carried out by our elected officials. We also know that now is a tough time to hold public office with so many fellow citizens distrusting the government and the political process.  Therefore, we think it is particularly meaningful to recognize outstanding leaders who are committed to integrating compassion...

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The Love This Place! Story Mapping Challenge: Crowdsourcing Compassion for Mother Earth

The Love This Place! Story Mapping Challenge: Crowdsourcing Compassion for Mother Earth

Announcing the "Love This Place! Story Mapping Challenge" for Serve the Earth Week! In celebration of the Earth and our connection to all life, we invite you to play with us starting now and through the end of Earth Week in the Compassion Games “Love This Place! Story Mapping Challenge!".  Join us as we crowdsource our love for the Earth and turn it into compassionate action for the benefit of all living beings! Here is how the Story Mapping Challenge works: Sit for a moment and reflect on a...

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Players of Earth Week & Compassion as the Path to Justice and the American Dream

Players of Earth Week & Compassion as the Path to Justice and the American Dream

As we're getting ready for the inaugural Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week coopetition, from April 18 through April 26, we are excited to introduce some of the “players” that will be participating. This is an extremely diverse group including teams from Portugal, Peru, United Kingdom, Italy, and cities in the United States and Canada including Detroit, Michigan, Syracuse, New York and Seattle, Washington. Interfaith Works is the team in Syracuse, New York that participated in the February...

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Love The Hell Out of Metro Detroit: From the Blame-Shame Game to the Compassion Games

Love The Hell Out of Metro Detroit: From the Blame-Shame Game to the Compassion Games

In the early sixties, in the thick of the Civil Rights movement, at the Voters Rights office in Alabama, Andrew Young was about to step outside into the parking lot to meet members of the Ku Klux Klan.  Mr. Young, appointed by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to head the voters rights effort, and has since gone on to become Mayor of Atlanta, US Congressman, and Ambassador to the United Nations, received a call thatthe KKK were coming and that he might want to carry a gun. As he headed out the door...

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Are You a Biophiliac? Discover Nature’s Gifts of Awe, Longevity, and Compassion!

Are You a Biophiliac? Discover Nature’s Gifts of Awe, Longevity, and Compassion!

Collaboratively Written by Leadership Team Member Lesa R. Walker, MD, MPH& Compassion Games Storyteller Joey Crotty Are you a "Biophiliac"? If you are reading this and happen to be human, you probably are. The Compassion Games Love This Place! Serve the Earth Week coopetition is approaching quickly (April 18-26) with the goal to ignite and amplify compassionate action around the world to protect and celebrate our home, the Earth. At the Compassion Games Heartquarters we often say that...

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