Now is the Time to Engage! These are the defining days that we’ll never forget and the next generation will ask us about it. The voice of “We the Peoples” is now being heard all over the world. Change, the likes of which we’ve never seen before, has arrived on a global scale. Here’s our moment to “power-up” the oneness of our human family and to have all of us and the earth come back better! We write to invite you to participate in World Unity Week as a way for all...

The New “Playing Field” is a Synergized Field: Game On!
When you change the medium, you can change the practices. In the world of communications, Marshall McLuhan said: “The medium is the message” suggesting that the form of the medium embeds itself in the message. As an example of how powerful this can be, the impressionist art movement came about by technological advances in the medium. The invention of oil-based paint and the tin tube, which replaced the pig's bladder, made it possible for artists to leave their studios and paint scenes of...

Missions of Compassion: Finding Our Place in the Space Between 2 Stories
For every Compassion Games “coopetition” (i.e. a collaboration in which players cooperate to compete not against, but with each other), a set of “secret missions of compassion” are sent to players to carry the spirit of a coopetitions’ particular theme. These missions are intended to be a unifying thread, a way to tell a greater story to delight, engage, and connect players and teams throughout the world. Each set of missions begins with a premise - a kind of “pre-mission” - which is then...

“Acting Kindly” at the Compassion Games
Planet Earthlings is pleased to join the Compassion Games to make the world a better place.They're developing a printed card game called “Acting Kindly" which is a fun and easy way to be part of the games. "Acting Kindly" is played out in public and players practice random acts of kindness and playful deeds to bring joy to others. It can also be played in schools to overcome bullying. Here's a video about the game: They are globally distributing...

Pass the Compassion Torch at the 2015 Parliament: Face to Face and Heart to Heart
The world’s religious and spiritual traditions, represented by nearly 10,000 people, came together under one roof during October 2015 in Salt Lake City for the Parliament of World’s Religions. Along with them came thousands of cultures, spiritual practices, and traditions, providing a tremendous opportunity for meeting each other, building relationships, and creating unity in diversity. And equally, presenting quite a challenge. As organizers of such an event, how do you create an environment...

9/11 Day and Compassion Games: Catalyzing More Good Deeds Than Ever!
For many people the tragic events of 9/11 changed their lives. Being a proud New Yorker, that was the day that everything changed for me as well. My life as a social entrepreneur - including the birth of the International Campaign for Compassionate Cities and the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest - can be linked back to that fateful day. It is therefore a great honor to be partnering with 9/11 Day. It is deeply moving to see the Compassion Games woven into the vision that on 9/11, not...

Secrets Revealed: Anonymous Agent Spills the Beans on the Secret Agents of Compassion
Shhh! Want to know a secret? This story is about to reveal one of the best kept Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest mysteries. For the past four years, an elite, undercover team have taken on missions of life-altering proportions, changing the very fabric of our world. We think it’s time for the word to get out, for the world to appreciate what they’re doing, and for countless others to join in. You may not know it, but there is a global team of people who get up each day and are guided...

Highlights for Earth Week from Around the World!
Greetings Compassionistas of Planet Earth! We are proud to report that over 30 teams from 4 continents inspired thousands of people to come together, acting in ways that affirm our love and compassion for the Earth and all her inhabitants. This awakening biophilia, or “love of life”, is transforming the world! We are still in the process of gathering the reflection reports on the Compassion Mapand have set a “liveline” (deadline) on the Scoreboard for Friday, May 8th. If you participated in...

Love of Salish Sea Ignites Groundswell Opposition to Shell’s Arctic Drills in Seattle During Earth Week
A message from Earth Day of a possible future: "It is on this day, this remarkable day, we give thanks to our ancestors. In the darkest time of our species’ history they faced a profound challenge. They faced themselves. It is the very fact that we are here, alive today in abundance and safety, surrounded by our kin in this unfolding story of life, that we know they were mindful of our coming. We give our deepest thanks that they saw past the persuasions of an old and broken worldview, that...

Mayors as Leaders in the Compassion Movement
As citizens, we understand the power of public policy and the choices that a Mayor can make. We know that budgets are moral documents that reflect the values of our community and are then carried out by our elected officials. We also know that now is a tough time to hold public office with so many fellow citizens distrusting the government and the political process. Therefore, we think it is particularly meaningful to recognize outstanding leaders who are committed to integrating compassion...