There is a master healer inside of you already. In this experiential workshop with Reverend Darren Starwynn you will discover 7 simple steps for activating your innate healing abilities and expanding your consciousness. What you will gain is not so much about “learning” new information as it is uncovering and claiming the divine power already within you.
Join the webinar at this link:
This transformative process will be of great value for both holistic practitioners and healers, and those called to step into becoming a healer. This involves healing on both the energy and Quantum levels. What will be covered:
Reverend Darren Starwynn is an internationally-known Quantum Catalyst master healer, inventor, workshop leader and coach. He serves as lead minister of Lightworker Ministry, an online church dedicated to empowering Lightworkers and bringing them together for collaborative projects.
Darren is the author of four groundbreaking books and has developed energy medical devices used internationally. He has empowered, educated and enlightened thousands of healing practitioners and physicians, helping them uplevel their clinical results and awaken their consciousness.
Reverend Darren is committed to helping organize global activations to accelerate planetary healing, and to innovate new solutions for supporting people diagnosed with mental illnesses to recover and claim their spiritual greatness.
Check out Darren’s bestselling book Awakening the Avatar Within: A Roadmap to Uncover Your Superpowers, Upgrade Your Body and Uplift Humanity. You can reach him through Light Worker Ministry