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Barbe will explain a proactive kind of peacemaking she learned from the women in her book, “Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them.“ She explains how it is done, who can do it, why it is a wise choice in today’s world. Most importantly Barbe will explain how it has the potential to make war irrelevant.
Presenters Name and Email:
Barbe Chambliss, PhD
Barbe Chambliss, PhD is a mediator and teacher with a doctorate in Peacemaking who has interviewed 60 ordinary women throughout the world doing extraordinary acts of empowering others.
Her book, “Women Peacemakers: What We Can Learn From Them”, tells the stories of fifteen of these women and the peacemaking lessons she learned from them.
Barbe has taught peacemaking skills to over 600 students from kindergarten through graduate schools, and to adults in work places, including schools, government departments, and non-profit organizations.
Barbe can be contacted through e-mail at barbe.chambliss44@gmail.com.
Her book website is http://barbechamblissauthor.com
ZOOM tech Rita Marsh rita@tcfhf.org