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Namaste, Peace, Mir! The world’s crises are getting worse and the war in Ukraine has sent the world in the wrong direction – towards militarism and division. We need something different and special. I have developed an EMERGENCY PLAN – a new global peace movement that is designed to unite the people, the peace and climate movements first, then all the movements; youth, labor, indigenous, BLM, PPC, all religions and spiritual organizations, and mayors and community leaders in every village, town, and city in every country under one umbrella – nonviolence!
Gandhi AND King lived and died to teach us nonviolence works. They were both famous for “movements of nonviolence. Therefore this is a plan to begin and operate a Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV).
Research shows that the welfare of the children and “no” violence are the uniting elements for the people in every country to participate. Grassroots organizations and initiatives are everywhere! The last element needed to begin the movement is leadership.
A strategy to create a “chain reaction” of leaders joining together to begin the movement is prepared. Non-governmental “WOMEN” leaders will issue a CALL to WOMEN, a World-Wide Unity Campaign and ask women everywhere to be the FIRST to rise up and unite as the peacemakers and then invite the men. It is not exclusive to women.
A GMofNV is one step away from beginning!
The unfortunate part of being a peace activist is that I study the hardships and crises the world faces and how the society and governments handle the problems. COP26, COP27, and COP15 proved that the governments will “not” go far enough to resolve the climate crises. They have to compromise. The war in Ukraine proves the governments do not want the war to end. This leads to the conclusion that the world needs a people movement.
The people have to rise-up and unite and create change, not wait for it, but via nonviolence, caring, embracing one another, and “looking after each other!”
U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres set the stage with a call for a Global Cease-Fire. This is the most profound action that could have ever been taken! A GMofNV is designed as the “people movement” to support it. Guterres will be asked to re-issue the Cease-Fire, but this time together with a coordinated marketing and outreach plan, an endowment plan to fund and sustain the movement, the “constructive” segment and the anti-war segment, plans for new Global Peace Negotiations, and a segment for local application.
The new narrative is to ask the people in every country to commit to nonviolence and to commit to working together for humanity – helping others. A complete strategy is prepared to present to Secretary-General Guterres that includes women leaders, philanthropists, the media, and civil society experts to illustrate the strength and resources are available for success! The last element is for the women leaders to announce the movement is coming.
A GMofNV has 24 major events plus “nonviolent direct actions” planned every day in the first two years, the first segment of a 10 to 30 year plan.
Once the movement begins, it opens the door for all the plans of nonviolence and peace to take hold — for ex: the Roadmap, Global Security Systems, and all the humanitarian efforts of the Sustainable Development Goals, to come into the mainstream, for without a people movement, war and militarism will continually derail all the amazing efforts that already exist. Once started, the movement will take on a life of its own!
A GMofNV answers the question, what can I do. People can work for the movement of while they are promoting their own cause, also promote the “Mother Movement.” One of the first parts of the movement is outreach and promotion! People are asked to make sure everyone knows about it and know that it is everywhere – in every country!
A GMofNV includes nonviolent direct action because as George Lakey wrote, “In order to build the kind of power that creates change you need a direct action campaign that harnesses a series of actions into an escalating sequence.”
This is an emergency! Once we are united, it will give political clout to the issues we espouse to. We cannot miss this opportunity. The political goal is to ask the people in every country to demand that their own government RENOUNCE WAR! We must go further than just adhering to nonviolence, we must make it the goal! There will be risks, but we HAVE TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. THIS IS LIFE AND DEATH!
A GMoNV is designed to defuse conflicts and “reduce” the threat of war and violence.
A GMofNV is an anti-war movement but also a movement of good will. It is designed to change the consciousness of the world and socialize the children. Forgiveness, love, respect, compassion, are all included.
A GMofNV is about creating a new power! Women have already been uniting and have practiced mobilizing as evidenced by the Women’s March on Washington, Women marched in Jerusalem, Women Crossed the DMZ in Korea, Women in India, the #MeToo movement, Portland, Oregon, and especially in IRAN.
A GMofNV is designed to “harness the power” of women and nonviolence to create trust and respect between nations and people and create the atmosphere to re-allocate military spending. Author and activist Howard Zinn wrote that women represent nonviolence best!
The Cease-Fire is the key as a stimulus. Please ask about the World Beyond War post about the call for a Cease-Fire in Ukraine. This post proves the leaders know its power, but the true power will come when the Cease-Fire is everywhere with a GMofNV as the people movement to back it up.
All the mechanisms are in place. It is time for leadership! The intricacies are complex, but there is simplicity in starting the movement. The key is to get it started – a PEOPLE MOVEMENT!
Without the people in every country participating, there will be no peace. Without a constructive segment, there will be no peace! Without women leading the way, there will be NO CHANGE!
People are waiting for something good to happen. Ms. Pia Figueroa, the Director of the International News Agency, Pressenza, wrote in her response to my introductory letter that the letter was like “fresh water for a thirsty person.”
TRUTH TO POWER: We are failing. What we are doing now is not working and people everywhere are nervous and afraid. Dr. King knew of the hardship in front of us, the need for sacrifice. We cannot leave the sacrifice for our children! It will be TOO LATE !!!
With adversity comes opportunity. This is the moment in time for action – to begin the largest movement of nonviolence the world has ever seen! Nonviolence is the answer to uniting the world. Why? To Save Lives! We must unite “For the Children, For the Climate, For the Future!”
A SPECIFIC STRATEGY is prepared to begin the movement immediately. One last item is needed – ENLIST WOMEN LEADERS to take ownership of the plan and process! The plan is a guideline and a tool for the WOMEN LEADERS.
Please contact me to assist in starting the movement! This is just the beginning! Let’s change the world!
Presenters Name and Email:
Andre Sheldon
Andre Sheldon is founder and director of Global Strategy of Nonviolence and developer of a Global Movement of Nonviolence, For the Children (GMofNV).
Andre has networked with non-governmental leaders around the world in preparation for implementing the movement and has presented the plan to U.N. Secretary-General Guterres’s staff. A GMofNV includes the structure and operating system to start and sustain the movement, with the funding, marketing and outreach, administration, implementation, follow-up plans, and leadership.
Andre Sheldon has a business background as a manager in restaurants, hotels, and country clubs, and was also an owner of a French Restaurant.
Andre has worked with Ms. Yolanda King (deceased) – the daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, and Arun Gandhi – the grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, as the coordinator for 4 major events promoting nonviolence!
Andre is a 20 year member of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) and an avid follower of CODEPINK – Women for Peace.