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Join President and Founder Audrey Kitagawa for an overview of the remarkable work of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation charting new pathways toward peace, equality, justice, and a healthy, sustainable world through collaboration amongst people of diverse cultures and faith traditions. The International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation is a platform for international scholars, religious/faith leaders, activists, and humanitarians who are ushering in a purposeful and hopeful vision for humanity, founded on the highest ethical and culturally-informed perspectives.
Audrey’s presentation will include two events taking place during the MLK 40 Days of Peace:
The February 20, 2023 release of their upcoming film: “NIU NOW: Reconnecting to the Tree of Life”
Link to film trailer here. Link to register for premiere here.
The February 23, 2023 G20 Interfaith Anti-Racism Initiative Webinar: “RELIGICIDE: Examining Religious, Ethnic, and Racial Violence” The webinar will include a discussion with co-authors of book “RELIGICIDE” and other panelists.
Register to attend webinar here