The “Compassion Today!” App and the Compassion Games!

by | Sep 18, 2014 | Compassion Reports, Ways to Play

The “Compassion Today!” mobile app is a great way to PLAY the Compassion Games and to REPORT on the Compassion Map, now and year-round! Click here to download:

The app is FREE and offers a wide array of resources to inspire daily “3D” compassion (caring for others, self, and the Earth). It has 1) daily quotes, news, and action tips; 2) the “3 Daily Questions” exercise; 3) functionality to allow sharing via social media/email; and 4) direct links to calendars/events, the Charter for Compassion International, Compassion Games, Compassion Relays, the Compassion Map, extensive web resources, Internet search, videos, audio/podcast playlists, “100 Questions,” Facebook feeds, Twitter feeds, and Google+ links.

PLAY the Compassion Games using the app. As your compassionate act for the day, read the “Daily Quote/News/Action” or do the “3 Daily Questions” or watch a video, listen to a podcast, or read an article. Then, REPORT on the “Compassion Map” directly from the app. One VERY EASY way to use the app is to go to and just click on the web-based app you see. You can use the web-based app for most features (without even downloading). Immerse yourself in “3D” compassion! Go Games!

Guidance for Teachers/Mentors/Parents:

Teachers/mentors/parents can use the app for their own inspiration and the inspiration of children and youth. The “3 Daily Questions” exercise is great for children and youth as well as adults and the “100 Questions” provides another source of daily questions. Simply by making a habit of posing and highlighting these questions, teachers/mentors/parents awaken students’ awareness, learning, and accountability to the daily practice of “3D” compassion.

Logistics for Use with Older Students and Adults: 

Have older students/adults download the app. Or, go to this link to access and use the web-based version of the app on a school computer or tablet. Over a predetermined period of time (X # of days), ask them to use the app each day to discover something new about compassion (in others, in themselves, etc.) and write down a quick description of what they discovered and whether it involves caring for others, self, or the Earth or a combination of these dimensions of compassion. At the end of the time period ask them to turn in their work along with a description of their compassion discovery experience and/or have a group discussion.

Use the “Compassion Today” app to continue the momentum of the Compassion Games all year-round. When we strengthen our “3D” compassion through daily personal practice, we generate a collective force for positive change.