Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11, a day that changed so much for so many people. I know that it changed everything for me. What about for you?
I’ll never forget that Friday evening after 9/11 Shabbat service where Rabbi Ted Falcon invited Imam Jamal Rahman to speak, to make sure that people saw a different face of Islam. It was 9/11 that brought Ted, Jamal and Pastor Don McKenzie together to form the Interfaith Amigos.
My work in Seattle on helping to create a culture of compassion, understanding, kindness and justice goes back to those days. The work over the seven years from 2001 to 2008 built the relationships and commitment that helped us to be of service when his Holiness the Dalai Lama visited Seattle. Along with the Interfaith Amigos and the help of many volunteers who later formed the Compassionate Action Network International and Compassionate Seattle, we organized the Interfaith prayer breakfast for the Seeds of Compassion.
In commemoration of 9/11, KUOW had the Interfaith Amigos on the air this morning. The Amigos talked about their experiences of the last eleven years and what they’ve learned about how to create spiritually meaningful lives that aren’t based on any one particular religious tradition, but instead honor all paths.
They answered questions about their journey getting to know each other and how they’ve been able to tell others about the beauty and benefit of getting to know people outside of one’s familiar world. They affirmed the need we all have to create meaningful community, whether we consider ourselves religious or not, and noted the one thing that they believe to be at the core of each true spiritual path. To hear what they believe this to be, you can listen to their podcast by following the link here.
On Friday, September 21, the International Day of Peace, there will be a peace vigil and concert at the Interfaith Community Church (ICC), the spiritual home of Jamal Rahman. This event is part of the opening ceremonies of the Compassion Games. We invite you to get involved in the Compassion Games and join with us for 30 days of compassionate action to co-create a Seattle that’s a kinder, more just and better place to live.
Leave a comment below and tell us if you’ll be attending the opening ceremony at ICC. Also, if you enjoyed this article and the podcast, please help us spread the word and share this post with your friends and family!