By Gary Davis Our society is fascinated by entertainers, sports heroes and lawbreakers. Glance at the “most read” list on most any online news site and you’ll find it overwhelmingly populated with articles that are variations on those themes. This isn’t a new trend. But what does it say about the stories we value, or to what we give our precious attention? “People become the stories they hear and the stories they tell,” writes author and activist Elie Wiesel. We agree. Since most children...
9/11 11 Years Later
Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11, a day that changed so much for so many people. I know that it changed everything for me. What about for you? I'll never forget that Friday evening after 9/11 Shabbat service where Rabbi Ted Falcon invited Imam Jamal Rahman to speak, to make sure that people saw a different face of Islam. It was 9/11 that brought Ted, Jamal and Pastor Don McKenzie together to form the Interfaith Amigos. My work in Seattle on helping to create a culture of compassion,...
September 21st – Good Star Alignment for the Compassion Games
Early on we realized that September 21st was an ideal day to start the Compassion Games not only because it’s the United Way’s Day of Caring, but also because it’s the autumnal fall equinox and the much beloved International Day of Peace. Fortunately this year, the Peace, Compassion, Happiness, Empathy, Understanding, Love and Generosity movements are all working together. We’re all after the same ideal of a better world for our children and grandchildren no matter what you call it. Compassion...