Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82358999346?pwd=cnRXSE5idVVZM3lvak9aeUtIcS9xdz09
Presentation Description:
A very interesting discussion about a 175 year old bond between the Choctaw Nation of Turtle Island and the Irish and details concerning an in-person event in Ireland later this year to commemorate and celebrate it.
Presenters Name and Email:
Jamen Shively jamenshively@gmail.com
Jack Strasburg jackStrasburg@we.net
Jamen Shively is co-founder of Kindred Spirits Ireland, along with James Desmond whose website is KindredSpirits.Earth. He has also spent years developing ways folks around the world can converse easily and often with each other to manifest a world that works for all. Come join us in