past events


Closing Harvest and Open Space Forum

Closing Harvest and Open Space Forum

Date Saturday, 25 February 2023Time 3:00 PM EST - 4:00 PM EST America/New_York

We are excited to invite you to a Reflection and Harvest event at the end of our Convergence. This event is an opportunity for us to reflect on our recent convergence and harvest the ideas and insights that emerged from our discussions.

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Expressing Words of Change: The New Way to Create Peaceful Solutions Anytime

Expressing Words of Change: The New Way to Create Peaceful Solutions Anytime

Date Saturday, 25 February 2023Time 2:00 PM EST - 3:00 PM EST America/New_York

Big problems like climate change, contaminated water and soil, war, or politics, to name a few, often mean complex solutions and divergent ideas and controversy. We welcome you to experience a New Way to get to the heart of hard matters such as these. We will ask the au...

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Currency That Encourages Compassion

Currency That Encourages Compassion

Date Friday, 24 February 2023Time 6:00 PM EST - 7:00 PM EST America/New_York

The rules of a currency-issuance system, just like the rules of a game, encourage certain behavior amongst the participants. If you change the rules, you can change the behavior of the participants. Let's talk about how we can transition from participating in a currency...

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