(Header Image: "New Pioneers" from Mark Hensen) At a time when religiously motivated violence seems to be more horrific and terrifying than ever, what would it take to transition our world to one of interfaith harmony and peace? It may seem pollyanna to wonder and idealistic to even ask if such a thing is possible. In a world permeated with intolerance and acts of hatred in the name of religion, how could we come to be in peace and harmony with one another? What would that take? A 21st century...
An Interfaith Pep Talk to Overcome the Impossible
A Rallying Call for World Interfaith Harmony It’s well-known that for untold eons, human beings have fought each other in the name of their God or gods. But there is more to this story… As historian and TED Prize Winner Karen Armstrong points out, wars are and have always been political and economic in nature, used to gain land, resources, and power. Why, then, do people tend to blame religion for wars? Armstrong writes that religious ideologies were often reshaped by political and economic...
Interfaith League Brings Play and Wonder to World Interfaith Harmony Week
“In our broken world it is easy to become overwhelmed with grief and despair culminating in our inability to move forward. Each of us has been given a purpose in life, a reason for being. Each of us carries within a caring heart and a mind filled with ideas. The Compassion Games beckon us to rise above our heartache and work in community to make a difference in the world…. to laugh and to play and to know within the deepest part of our souls that we are good and contributing to something...
Compassion Games to Protect and Restore the Sacredness of Mother Earth
by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr., Chairperson, Compassion Games International, Jon Ramer Founder Compassion Games International, Joey Crotty, Writer and Editor At the root of all social, economic, political, psychological and spiritual ills - both historically and presently - are the false beliefs that human beings are separate from one another, and that we are separate from our Mother Earth. Dispelling such false beliefs, current scientific research upholds the sacred truth of our...
Silicon Valley Interreligious Council and Carry the Vision Bring the Compassion Games to Silicon Valley
We shall be a mighty kindness. - Rumi (and the Carry the Vision conference brochure) I was invited to introduce and help launch the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest at the Carry the Vision 9th Community in Compassion Conference that took place in Silicon Valley on October 19th 2014. It was amazing! Carry the Vision Executive Director, Shelly Swan and her team took great care of me and all the participants who gathered that Sunday to “awaken the heart of compassion” the theme for the...
Sun-Up Our Sanctuaries! The Compassion Games Solar Challenge
A truly unfathomable amount of energy showers down on us freely at every moment of our lives, granting life to you, me, and every living creature on this planet. The giving star, our Sun, is not just the symbol of hope, light, and spirit in every world religion. It is - in the face of our addiction to fossil fuels - our most promising path toward a just and sustainable future for ourselves and our children. If all flora on Earth can harness this essential cosmological power source, then why...