Stories for Earth Week

These are news posts that pertain to the Compassion Report Map, the measures we use, and the scoreboard.

Mass Collaboration for Compassionate Action

Mass Collaboration for Compassionate Action

Tomorrow is the day to dedicate our attention to the future of our planet. People from all over the world are coming together in solidarity recognizing the urgency of the situation and this unique moment of choice. What kind of future do we want for our children and our children's children?  Everyone has a voice and everyone matters. The world needs to hear from you. This is a moment to stand up for what's right, to stand up for our future, to stand up for peace and compassion. Our precious...

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Sun-Up Our Sanctuaries! The Compassion Games Solar Challenge

Sun-Up Our Sanctuaries! The Compassion Games Solar Challenge

A truly unfathomable amount of energy showers down on us freely at every moment of our lives, granting life to you, me, and every living creature on this planet. The giving star, our Sun, is not just the symbol of hope, light, and spirit in every world religion. It is - in the face of our addiction to fossil fuels - our most promising path toward a just and sustainable future for ourselves and our children. If all flora on Earth can harness this essential cosmological power source, then why...

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Compassion for Mother Earth: Unprecedented Alliance Protects the Salish Sea

Compassion for Mother Earth: Unprecedented Alliance Protects the Salish Sea

All life is interconnected: birthed from the same great beginning of impossible origins, you, everyone you know, and everything you’ve ever loved or experienced was forged in the living hearts of dying stars. Many of our ancient ancestors knew this to be the fundamental truth of all existence, the delicate balance and interdependent nature of all life, and lived their lives in this wisdom. Though we have gained much from our technological and scientific advances in modern times, this knowledge...

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