by Sommer Joy Albertsen | Apr 18, 2018 | Champions of Compassion, Compassion Relay, Earth Week
We are passing the Compassion Torch to a key leader of Kindness in the world today. Wendi Gilbert is a Champion of Compassion with an incredible active vision unfolding this week called the Kindness Evolution Collective in Half Moon Bay, California. Wendi has been...
by Sommer Joy Albertsen | Apr 17, 2018 | Champions of Compassion, Compassion Relay, Earth Week
What an amazing day it is to celebrate the most influential human being on the planet, His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama. His Holiness the Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. He is committed to promoting basic human values, to fostering...
by Sommer Joy Albertsen | Apr 16, 2018 | Champions of Compassion, Compassion Relay, Earth Week, Uncategorized
Compassion Games is thrilled to bring light to an extraordinary global leader of truth and compassion in action. We celebrate and pass the Compassion Torch to Norie Huddle, a profound challenger on the planet who has pioneered for five decades how we can care for our...
by Sommer Joy Albertsen | Apr 13, 2018 | Champions of Compassion, Compassion Relay, Unity Games
The Compassion Torch is being passed to Films For The Planet as Champions of Compassion Film Club elevating bridges for peace, justice, and compassion for Earth! Films For The Planet is contributing many inspiring films to inspire participation in April Compassion...
by Sommer Joy Albertsen | Jan 24, 2018 | Champions of Compassion, Compassion Relay, Harmony Week
Spotlight Champion of Compassion: Megan Gaiser We are thrilled to be passing the Torch of Compassion to this extraordinary leader, Megan Gaiser! Today we are passing the Compassion Torch to Megan Gaiser, the Founder of Leadership For Diversity and Global Women Leader...