Stories for SuperBetter


Report: Final Week of Scavenger Hunt Rocks!

Officially, the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest are in their final week. But you wouldn't know it from the activity in the Scavenger Hunt. New players sign up on SuperBetter everyday and this week included some spectacular Quests.   Quest #14: Check out Yes! magazine; find and post a link to a story that inspires you personally.     Quest #15: Learn about the Fare Start Program. Take someone out for a wonderful meal at one of Fare Start's excellent restaurants or...

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Report: Dozens Getting SuperBetter. Why Not You?

You! Yeah, you! What are you doing this weekend? Why not check out the lists of Scavenger Hunt Quests (here, here, and this post), grab someone—your best friend, your significant other, your kids, or a person you've simply been wanting to know better—and head out into some classic Northwest weather to discover hidden compassionate "gold" scattered throughout Seattle?   Each day, more users sign up to play the Scavenger Hunt using SuperBetter where they set a personal goal and receive...

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Report: Scavenger Hunt Booming with Heroes Getting SuperBetter

In the last couple days, the number of people playing the Scavenger Hunt through SuperBetter has doubled! As we end the second week of the Compassion Games, we can see compassion extending out like a rushing stream.   This week we had some great Scavenger Hunt Quests. Quest #6: Find a quote relating to compassion, community, or the Puget Sound area and share it on your activity wall, on Facebook, or on Twitter. Quest #7: Explore the Heart Map and select an organization that sparks your...

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Whidbey GeoDome and the Compassion Games Scavenger Hunt

When I first walked into the Whidbey GeoDome, I thought, "What an odd rubber room." The inflatable space requires passage through a heavy, velcro curtain and is dotted with ground-level seats. Making myself comfortable in the middle of the front row, I was soon surrounded by images projected on all sides of the dome and surround-sound narration and  audio. The effect—like an intimate planetarium—was spectacular.     The minds behind the GeoDome believe in the power of stories—big and...

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September 21st – Good Star Alignment for the Compassion Games

Early on we realized that September 21st was an ideal day to start the Compassion Games not only because it’s the United Way’s Day of Caring, but also because it’s the autumnal fall equinox and the much beloved International Day of Peace. Fortunately this year, the Peace, Compassion, Happiness, Empathy, Understanding, Love and Generosity movements are all working together. We’re all after the same ideal of a better world for our children and grandchildren no matter what you call it. Compassion...

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Lets All Get SuperBetter!

Compassion for others starts within. But where do we start? What can we do for ourselves that will strengthen us individually and collectively to build compassion in our lives? One way we develop strengths is by playing games. Here is a remarkable game in which we all can grow while each of us gets SuperBetter. We'll use this game to play the Compassion Games' Scavenger Hunt. Give it a try! We'll use SuperBetter to search for the buried treasure that is the heart and soul of our community. We...

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