Stories for Partners

Kindness Class – Led by Andy Smallman

We are so fortunate to have Andy Smallman leading his Kindness Class during the Compassion Games. Andy has been teaching kindness for over 15 years. He and his wife Melinda Shaw founded the Puget Sound Community School and Kind Living.  Participating in this activity is a great opportunity to interact with an amazing visionary, educator, teacher and great guy. Here is the invitation from Andy to join the class: Ready for some random acts of compassion? Want to participate in the Compassion...

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9/11 11 Years Later

Today is the 11th anniversary of 9/11, a day that changed so much for so many people. I know that it changed everything for me. What about for you? I'll never forget that Friday evening after 9/11 Shabbat service where Rabbi Ted Falcon invited Imam Jamal Rahman to speak, to make sure that people saw a different face of Islam. It was 9/11 that brought Ted, Jamal and Pastor Don McKenzie together to form the Interfaith Amigos. My work in Seattle on helping to create a culture of compassion,...

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September 21st – Good Star Alignment for the Compassion Games

Early on we realized that September 21st was an ideal day to start the Compassion Games not only because it’s the United Way’s Day of Caring, but also because it’s the autumnal fall equinox and the much beloved International Day of Peace. Fortunately this year, the Peace, Compassion, Happiness, Empathy, Understanding, Love and Generosity movements are all working together. We’re all after the same ideal of a better world for our children and grandchildren no matter what you call it. Compassion...

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How to Get More Attention for Your Project and Organization

In the face of recent gun violence in Seattle and the nation, it is easy to become fearful and to lose sight of what unites a community. Many individuals such as yourself and many organizations that you may be a part of have been working in the community for decades to create real opportunities for those traditionally disenfranchised. We each do our part to bring to light issues of poverty, suffering, injustice, and violence. Whether newly awakened or long engaged, The Compassion Games seeks...

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Lets All Get SuperBetter!

Compassion for others starts within. But where do we start? What can we do for ourselves that will strengthen us individually and collectively to build compassion in our lives? One way we develop strengths is by playing games. Here is a remarkable game in which we all can grow while each of us gets SuperBetter. We'll use this game to play the Compassion Games' Scavenger Hunt. Give it a try! We'll use SuperBetter to search for the buried treasure that is the heart and soul of our community. We...

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Our Stand for Compassion at Seattle Center

Our Stand for Compassion at Seattle Center

As part of Compassionate Seattle's plan to create “collective impact” we put together a physical “stand for compassion” that was on display at Seattle Center. On seven occasions we set up our stand and engaged with fellow citizens about our community and our plans to create a culture of compassion in our region.  We learned how people think and feel about compassion and how they see or don't see themselves connected to other people and the greater community. I came to believe that we are not...

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Compassionate Louisville: The Community Challenge

Compassionate Louisville: The Community Challenge

The inspiration for the Compassion Games comes from our friends in Louisville, Kentucky.  Mayor Greg Fischer and his team are implementing their compassionate cities program in a remarkable fashion.   After Seattle affirmed the Charter for Compassion and invited other cities around the world to join with us in creating 10 Year Campaigns for Compassionate Cities, Louisville was one of the first and by far the most developed cities campaign we encountered. The Compassionate Action Network...

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