by Joey Crotty | Sep 20, 2012 | Compassionate Seattle, Partners, Seattle Center, Unity Games
On September 10, 2012, representatives of the Compassion Games: Survival of the Kindest briefed the Seattle city council on the goals and plans for the Compassion Games. The Council members committed to engage and help spread the word to their constituents. For...
by JonRamer | Sep 9, 2012 | Faith and Interfaith, Stories of Compassion, Youth
Here is a story of compassion that is so needed at this time as we support our police force to think differently about how they relate to their fellow citizens. Imagine if it was your job to arrest people. How would you relate to the people you’re arresting?...
by JonRamer | Sep 4, 2012 | Business, CAN International, Compassionate Action Network International, Compassionate Seattle, Louisville Kentucky, SuperBetter, Unity Games, Youth
Early on we realized that September 21st was an ideal day to start the Compassion Games not only because it’s the United Way’s Day of Caring, but also because it’s the autumnal fall equinox and the much beloved International Day of Peace. Fortunately this year, the...